Thursday, February 11, 2010

Social Justice Posters (Final)

For our first big project in imaging class,
we were to choose a social justice topic and
create posters for that issue. First, we did a research about the topics
and created four different posters based on
what we have learned through researching.
Each poster also included a stance which we were provided with
at the beginning of the project. After having a group critique,
we chose two posters that we want to further develop.

My social justice topic was "world hunger/starvation."
I chose this topic because there are people around the world who suffer
because they cannot meet the most basic need, which is to eat.
I wanted to create posters that will bring awareness to people
and also provide with some type of actions they can take
after seeing the posters.
Following are the posters that I chose as my final work.
My posters turned out to be two completely different designs
because I used different approach and stance for each poster.

This poster was designed based on the shocking fact
that a child dies every six seconds. At the bottom,
I calculated how many children will die of starvation in a minute,
an hour, a day, and an year.
For sides, from top to bottom it counts one through 6
and the emphasis is on number six, meaning six seconds.
Overall, my approach for this poster was to call for an action
through providing shocking facts.

My next poster is the one that I had most fun with,
not only because it's close to my personal taste,
but also because I used different methods to get to the final product.
I enjoyed the process of printing, folding,
and scanning the money apple.
The stance that I used for this poster would be "Emotion".
This poster was based on a famous adage, which also helped me to
create a theme for the poster.

Overall, I enjoyed this project. I love the idea how designs can have an
impact on people besides being creative and appealing to eyes.
Through this project I learned that good designs can actually make
people act and eventually change the world.

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